Add a Second Phone Number to an Existing Account

Add a Second Phone Number to an Existing Account

Sometimes, you'll come across customers who share an account with a family member. In such cases, you may need to add a second phone number to the existing account. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Locate the Customer Account: Start by finding the original customer account using their phone number.
  2. Access the Petz Customer Tab: Once you've located the customer account, go to the 'Petz Customer' tab.
  3. Add the New Phone Number: Look for a green plus sign and click on it. This allows you to add the new phone number to the account.
  4. Verify the Update: After adding the new number, take note that the system now displays both phone numbers associated with the account.
  5. Complete the Sale: If you're ready to complete the transaction, select the appropriate phone number (usually the first one), and you're good to go!

By following these simple steps, you can easily add a second phone number to the customer's account when needed. 

To see this in action, follow the video below!

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